
• Product code: SP0010

• Group Product: Steel Scrap

• View: 5893

Hot or cold sheet with no rust excluding coated sheet and Hot or cold sheet with some rust includiing coated sheet without harm for steel making

Shindachi Product Details

Goods Typical Shindachi
Type Press A & B
Origin Japan
Size W+H+L <= 1800mm
Quantity 3,000-5,000 MT
Shipment 20-30 days from L/C date
Delivery In bulk

Goods Typical Shindachi
Type Busheling A & B
Origin Japan
Size W or H <=500 x L <=1200mm
Quantity 300-500 MT
Shipment 20-30 days from L/C date
Delivery In containers

Goods Typical Shindachi
Standard JIS G2401-1979
Origin Japan
Type Mixed Press & Busheling
Quantity 300-5,000 MT
Shipment 20-30 days from L/C date
Delivery In bulk or containers

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