Foundry Coke

• Product code: SP0002

• Group Product: Coke & Coal

• View: 5957

This is a special coke that is used in furnaces to produce cast and ductile iron products. It is a source of heat and also helps maintain the required carbon content of the metal product. Foundry coke production requires lower temperatures and longer times than blast furnace coke.

Foundry Coke Product Details

Specifications Typical Foundry Coke
Moisture ≤ 5 %
Ash ≤ 10 %
V.M ≤ 1.5 %
S ≤ 0.6 %
Carbon ≥ 86 %
Big Size 150-200 mm
Origin China

Specifications Typical Foundry Coke 2
Moisture ≤ 5 %
Ash ≤ 10 %
V.M ≤ 1.5 %
S ≤ 0.6 %
Carbon ≥ 86 %
Medium Size 100-150 mm
Origin China

Specifications Typical Foundry Coke 3
Moisture ≤ 5 %
Ash ≤ 10 %
V.M ≤ 1.5 %
S ≤ 0.6 %
Carbon ≥ 86 %
Small Size 50-100 mm
Origin China

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