
• Product code: SP0009

• Group Product: Steel Scrap

• View: 3664

Homegeneous iron and steel scrap, magnetically separated, originating from automobiles, unprepareed No. 1 and No. 2 steel, muscellaneous baling and sheet scrap. Density from 50 to 70 pounds per cubi foot. (ISRI Standard)

Sheredded Product Details

Goods Typical
Standard ISRI 210-211
Density 60, 65, 70 PCF
Origin EU, USA (sửa chỗ này)
Quantity 500-30,000 MT
Shipment 30-45 days from L/C date
Delivery In containers or bulk

Goods Typical
Standard JIS G2401-1979
Origin Japan
Quantity 3,000-5,000 MT
Shipment 20-30 days from L/C date
Delivery In bulk

Goods Typical
Standard ISRI 210-211
Density 60, 65, 70 PCF
Origin China
Quantity 5,000-10,000 MT
Shipment 30-45 days from L/C date
Delivery In containers or bulk

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